Positive Behaviour For Learning

What is PB4L (Positive Behaviour For Learning)?

PB4L School-Wide looks at behaviour and learning from a whole-of-school as well as an individual child perspective. PB4L is a framework of behaviour and responses to behaviour that we can adapt to our own school culture and set of values. It is based on rewarding the positive and re-teaching to avoid negative behaviours. It is about restorative practices, not punitive punishment.

The Purpose of PB4L in Churton School

To achieve improved academic, social and behaviour outcomes for students, staff and the Churton community using a systematic approach of deliberate, purposeful, and overt teaching based on our school values.

Positive Behaviour for Learning helps parents, whānau, teachers, and schools address problem behaviour, improve children’s well-being, and increase educational achievement.

By strengthening relationships and creating more positive home and school environments, we remove barriers to engagement and improve students’ chances to achieve at school and beyond. It is a long-term (3-5 years), systemic approach. These include whole-school change, targeted group programmes, and individual student support services.

PB4L helps to develop inclusive learning environments that enable all children and students to participate, to be engaged, to achieve and to belong.

Our long-term goals

Opportunities for learning and achievement increase if:

PB4L in action

Star Rewards

The purpose of the Churton STAR reward tokens:

Caught Being Good Award

This weekly award for each class, allows the teacher to highlight a specific child's achievement. At Churton, we expect that every child will receive at least one "Caught Being Good' over the school year. There will be a "Caught Being Good" award every week from each class. Teachers are encouraged to acknowledge significant changes in behaviour, and clearly share this with the student.

Joy of Reading Award

Each week the academic team visits the classrooms during silent reading time and selects a junior student and a senior student to receive this weekly award. The Joy of Reading Award is attributed based on how dedicated and how much effort tamariki put into their reading. This award acknowledges the commitment students put into their reading skills.

Churton Honours System

Children who meet the following criteria will be acknowledged in the week nine assembly at the end of each term.

We have decided on these criteria to ensure the system is fair and equitable. Past data shows that well over 90% of our tamariki meet these expectations.