Churton School's curriculum offers a diverse and engaging learning experience. Our core subjects, including Literacy, Mathematics, Te Reo Māori, and PE, form the foundation of a well-rounded education. We prioritize student-centered learning, fostering a love for knowledge and critical thinking. With a focus on cultural appreciation and individualized support, we empower students to excel academically and thrive in a dynamic world.
In the English learning area, ākonga study, use, and enjoy language and literature, communicated orally, visually, and in writing, for a range of purposes and audiences, and in a variety of text forms. Learning about language and literature from Aotearoa and around the world enables ākonga to build literacy, walk in different worlds, access the thoughts and perspectives of others, and make linguistic and cultural connections.
Engaging with mātauranga Māori through the creation and interpretation of texts provides opportunities to strengthen knowledge and understanding of te ao Māori and Māori perspectives, and to play a part in shaping a bicultural Aotearoa.
Mathematics and statistics enables ākonga to appreciate and draw on the power of abstraction and symbolic representation to investigate, interpret, and explain patterns and relationships in quantity, space, time, data, and uncertainty.
Like mathematics and statistics, mātauranga Māori is a body of knowledge with a history and a future. When we afford mana ōrite to mātauranga mathematics and statistics and mātauranga Māori while retaining their distinctiveness, ākonga can draw from both in ways that are beneficial to both spheres of knowledge.
Te Reo Māori
At Churton School, we develop an understanding of Tikanga through the school's regular powhiri, visits to the local marae, and class lessons. Te Reo Maori will be taught through the school in conjunction with Te Reo Tupu He Reo Ora resource.
Physical Education
At Churton School, Physical Education (PE) is an integral part of our curriculum, fostering a vibrant culture of physical activity. Our vision is to create a strong, confident learning community where physical activity is embraced. This is achieved through effective teaching and learning in Health and Physical Education, aligned with the New Zealand curriculum. We also establish school-community partnerships to offer quality, regular physical activity experiences.
Our purpose is to empower children at Churton School to embrace physical activity as a lifelong practice.